Puppy First Trim
- *The price starts from 20 E up to 28E depending on the breed (BTV is included in the price). Pick up costs are excluded!
- *Duration of the grooming session depends on the puppy behavior (around 1,5h).
- *Puppies are all small doggies up to age of 4 months/16 weeks.
- *The first grooming session consist of: introductions to the grooming routine, tools and shop noises, handling/small training how to behave on the grooming table, washing, drying and lots of hugging. After successful completion of the first grooming, puppies gets the First Grooming Diploma along with small gift/toy!
- *Preferred payment options: Tikkie (online payment) & cash (in E)
- *Rabobank Account (Bankrekening) nr: NL70 RABO 0310 0230 17